
Bamboo Forest Waterfalls (竹林瀑布)

Bamboo Forest Waterfalls (竹林瀑布)

Region: Tiger Leaping Gorge
Location: 0.7 kilometer northwest of Tina’s Guest House
Altitude in Meters: ±2,300

Summary: Cascades and small waterfalls populate the Dashengou Canyon (大深沟), just beyond the end of the classic trek in Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡). You can hike part-way up the canyon to the ravine stairway in a two-hour round-trip journey from Tina’s Guest House (中峰国际青年旅舍). For details see Bamboo Forest Path (竹林小路).

Dragon Cave Waterfall (龙洞瀑布)

Dragon Cave Waterfall (龙洞瀑布)

Region: Tiger Leaping Gorge
Location: 0.8 kilometer west southwest of Tina’s Guest House
Altitude in Meters: 2,400

Summary: The Dragon Cave Waterfall spills directly onto the Tiger Leaping Gorge trekking path. The narrow pathway skirts a sheer drop, making the falls one of the most photographed sights in the gorge. From Halfway Guest House in Bendiwan Village to the falls takes only 45 minutes, with little or no elevation gain. Starting from Tina’s Guest House, the round-trip journey requires about 3 hours with gain of 500 meters. From Tina’s, follow the trekking path towards Qiaotou (桥头镇) to reach the falls.

Jianshan Waterfall (尖山瀑布)

Jianshan Waterfall (尖山瀑布)

Region: Alpine Lakes Region
Location: 4.3 kilometers west of Haba Village
Altitude in Meters: 3,500

Summary: The outlet stream from Black Lake (黑海) supplies the Jianshan Waterfall, the only falls on the northern slopes of the Haba massif. The drop is estimated to be between 30 and 40 meters high. Situated in an east-facing ravine, the protected location maintains low temperatures. Ice may form at the base of the falls, even when snow has melted all around. You can reach the falls on a day hike using either the Jianshan Route (尖山路线) or the Yi Village Route (彝家村路线).


Please read the explanation of hiking times, distances, altitudes and rating levels here.