Road to Yi Village

Yi Village with Jianshan Mountain at left



The initial section of the Yi Village Route (彝家村路线) and the Lanhua Meadow Route (兰花坪路线) trace the paved road together from Haba Village to Yi Village. For the alternate shortcut path (25 minutes shorter), see Shortcut to Yi Village.

Route Description

Route Description

Starting from Haba Snow Mountain Inn (哈巴雪山客栈) in Haba Village (哈巴村), walk one-minute downhill (south) to a road junction marked by a sign with the name of Yi Village (彝家村). Turn right and ascend the road, passing through the Han settlement of Yangshan (阳山村) and crossing the main road through Haba Village. After 15 minutes you will arrive at a large patch of evergreen trees. At the lower edge of the trees, the Jianshan Route (尖山路线) and Alternate Base Camp Route (备用大本营路线) depart from the road on the left.

Follow the road as it weaves through the trees, reaching the upper edge of the evergreens after another 15 minutes. At the fork here continue straight ahead. The road ascends steadily through cultivated fields before arriving at Lan Village (兰家村), 50 minutes above the evergreen forest. The Hui settlement has its own mosque with an English sign: “The Haba Snowcapped mountain mosque”.

Above the village, continue ascending the road for 15 minutes to the Access Gate of the Lanhua Meadow Route. The gate is on the right (north) side of the road at an elevation of 3,030 meters. Trekkers planning to take this route should pass through the gate to the woods road beyond. If the gate is locked you can try stepping over, otherwise go back down the road a few meters for a steep bypass or 40 meters for a more gradual workaround.

Trekkers bound for Yi Village should stay on the paved road. Continue walking 10 minutes above the gate to reach the lower edge of the village. Trekkers may continue on to Jianshan Waterfall (尖山瀑布) and Base Camp (大本营). Please consult the Yi Village Route for details.

Summary: Road to Yi Village (到彝家村的道路 )

Summary: Road to Yi Village (到彝家村的道路 )

Region: Alpine Lakes Region
Itinerary: Haba Village—Yi Village
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes one-way
Distance: 6 km one-way
Altitude in Meters: Start 2,650. Max 3,100. End 3,100
Elevation Gain: 450 meters
Rating: Moderate
Water Sources: none
Hiking Times: Haba Snow Mountain Inn to Access Gate for Lanhua Meadow Route 1:35 hrs. Yi Village 1:45.